#DML19 Rio came to an end! Three days of digital media talks
To work on the Internet is to work in an ecosystem of continuous change, we know it since the day we created iconosur. This is why we spend a lot of time training ourselves through courses, conferences or talks with people in the Media industry. We traveled to many conferences: Internet World, Inbound, Content Marketing World, An Event Apart, Newsgeist, ISOJ, SIP and to the WAN Latam where this summary comes from.

“Suscriptions” as Trending Topic
For some media it is working (The Guardian), others are just beginning to test. Ideally as an alternative means of monetization. The recipe: Know Who, and then know what, how and when.
Meet the audience
On the other side of the screen there are people (the word audience seems strange to me). More than ever we have the need to know who consumes us, to know what their wishes, needs and motivations are, those that bring them closer to having contact with our product. Understanding who is on the other side leads us to be able to offer what they are looking for, want or need (or at least get closer to that). The one who spoke best about this issue was @Rosental with his great speech.

Data is golden
It is nothing new and he was the star of the conference. I would add that it is essential to have the ability to analyze and detect patterns of uses and behaviors that arise from those numbers that will allow us to predict future behaviors. Valuable things can be done with that combination.
Nobody has the magic formula for success. You have to have an idea and then test it, be able to measure it to understand what works and what doesn’t. Keep trying and understanding. An endless cycle (and fun).
Multi everything
There is too much information that comes to us through different channels, in different formats. Understand which channel is the most appropriate for each content. Also try different roles within the newsroom, not just journalists. As in the case of El Debate explained by @AndreaDBT. Each one contributes from their side and that adds expertise and passion for what is told. Nothing better than talking about those we know or like!
Quality content
As there is so much supply, quality runs an advantage. Much was said about this topic and its importance. What was not discussed directly, but I understand that it should be considered, is that quality content has to be accompanied by a good presentation or appropriate format. Without this equation, content is in danger of being lost or not being used.
The Awards – Digital Media Awards
Prizes are awarded every year and Argentines have been sweeping the scene for a long time (which makes me proud). Congratulations to La Nación and La Voz for the great work. I confess that I was sorry that El Debate did not win. They do a great job and the new design is very well founded and luckily it works.
UX is Key
Fortunately, everything points that way. There is a lot of information available at your fingertips. Everyone (or almost) 66% of the world’s population has a cell phone. What will make the difference is the ability to reach people. First get them to notice us, then offer them something different, delight them, surprise them and keep them happy and content so that they remember, adopt and recommend us. Focusing on good design and good user interface is essential to generate impact and stand out from the rest. Having said all this, call us, we can help…:) Outside the conference: call us, we can help … :) Outside the conference:
Luckily it didn’t stop raining. This was good because it allowed us to focus on the talks and forget about the beach.
Friends and clients
It is always enriching and pleasant to see each other’s faces, discuss ideas, chat and have a good time
See you next year!