Super SEO guide test

In 2009 we took part in an ideas competition for the cleaning products company SC Johnson. We won with an unorthodox concept for the moment, creating an editorial site that talked about how to clean all kinds of objects. From a refrigerator to a carpet. The campaign was never launched due to budget problems, but our MVP was still out on the Internet during all these years. Today without any maintenance, advertising and with its original posts it receives around 150,000 unique users per month. The strategy was correct, it was tested many years later with the rise of the Brands editorial content sites.
This is what we wrote at the time:
We developed a guide on how to clean objects to test new ideas of construction optimized HTML for search engines and how to speed up the rise of a site in the search results. At the moment it is working!
You can try it yourself by searching: “How to clean a cupboard” in Google and check it out!