In ñ we trust. The story behind the new CNN en español
How do you make news for millions of spanish speakers with an american brand? We embrace the challenge of creating a latin identity for a global media company.

We like to jump on top of big challenges, design simple solutions and generate relevant impact on business metrics.
How do you make news for millions of spanish speakers with an american brand? We embrace the challenge of creating a latin identity for a global media company.
As the main telecommunication company in Latin America, Claro needed to ease the access to internet plans. We built a product from scratch, designed for everyone.
We helped El Debate to evolve from being a local to a national player and to become the most read media site in Mexico. The amazing journey to get from 1.5 to 100+ million visitors.
We rebuilt TNT sports site, focusing on an immediate loading experience on every device. TNT news now are faster than ever. Just like in sports, every second matters.
Look into my plan data, check my available balance, exchange points within the benefits system. We lead the user experience team at Claro Latin America's Self-Management platform.
We had the opportunity to partner and collaborate with all these amazing companies.
As life-long apprentices, we take talent development seriously
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